Eva Bramesco

Titles and Organizations

Director, University Scholars, Honors College
Associate Director for Honors College Admissions, Office of Admissions

Contact Information

Email: ebramesc@gmu.edu
Mail Stop: 3A4
Campus: Fairfax
Office: Johnson Center 213


Eva Bramesco is the Director of the University Scholars in the Honors College.  She is also the Associate Director of Honors College Admissions. Beginning with her involvement in the Admissions Office at her alma mater, Eva has spent nearly a decade working with students and families of all backgrounds to overcome the various hurdles of the college admissions process.

In working closely with the Honors College, Eva gets to meet some of Mason’s most ambitious and inquisitive applicants. As the product of a small liberal arts college herself, Eva loves to share the Honors College’s benefits of small classroom settings, individualized attention from brilliant professors, the academic freedom to truly dive into areas and topics of interest, and what students can really do with these opportunities in a large research university setting.

Prior to her time at Mason, Eva worked in international development, first with the American Red Cross, and then for a consulting firm. From working in the competitive and fast-paced environment of Washington, D.C., Eva learned firsthand about the powerful combination of a customizable education in a unique location.

Originally from Danvers, Massachusetts, Eva graduated with high honors from Ursinus College in Collegeville, Pennsylvania with degrees in International Relations, Spanish and a minor in Latin American Studies, and received her Master’s in Public Policy focused on education policy from Mason’s Schar School. In addition to her work at Mason, Eva is a long-time mentor, tutor, and advocate for educational equity. She can also be found on Twitter talking about current trends and issues in education at @EvaAdmissions.