Deborah Forbes

Portrait of Dr. Deborah Forbes
Titles and Organizations

Instructor, Honors College

Contact Information

Phone: 703.993.1110
Mail Stop: Honors College, MSN 1F4
Campus: Fairfax
Office: Buchanan 205


Dr. Forbes teaches Honors 122, Reading the Arts. She trained as a Romanticist and scholar of poetry and is currently a fiction writer.

Selected Publications

"Meet Me at the Edge," first place Zoetrope All-Story short fiction competition, 2021

"Oasis," The Pushcart Prize XLV, 2021

Sincerity's Shadow: Self-Consciousness in Romantic and Mid-Twentieth-Century Poetry, Harvard University Press, 2004

Courses Taught

HNRS 122: Fictions of Identity and the Ethics of Fiction


PhD, English and American Language and Literature, Harvard University (2002)

AB, English, Duke University (1995)