Nominations for the inaugural Honors College Student Advisory Board are now open. This board is intended to function as a liaison between Honors College faculty and students. Each elected student will serve on the board for one academic year. To run for the board, you may nominate yourself or be recommended by a peer or faculty member. Self-nominations should include your:
- Preferred name (first and last)
- Mason email address
- Year of study (first, second, third…)
- Residence (on- or off-campus)
- Transfer status: Did you transfer to the Honors College (either from within Mason or another institution)?
- A brief 150-200 word statement describing why you’d like to serve on the board (to be included on the ballot)
Self-nominated students should also have a brief endorsement (up to 200 words) sent to from an outside source such as a faculty member, professor, or employer. In addition, faculty and peers may send an endorsement for students they think would be a good fit for the board. Students will have the opportunity to accept or decline a nomination from faculty or peers.
Once nominations have been submitted, all Honors College students will have the opportunity to vote for board representatives. Nominations and endorsements are due by February 1 and should be submitted to