First-ever International Horizons Scholarship winner studied abroad in Japan

Cherry blossoms in bloom in Japan, with tourists taking selfiesMany undergraduates dream of studying abroad in places like Tokyo, Japan, where first-ever International Horizons Scholarship (IHS) recipient Dylan Donlon-Moyer brought those dreams to life.  A Communications major concentrating in public relations, Donlon-Moyer explored the city of Tokyo while studying Japanese culture and international relations between the U.S. and Japan. 

IHS funding enabled Donlon-Moyer to participate in a bilateral exchange program between George Mason and Hosei University.  “As the child of a single parent who has only been able to attend college with the help of scholarships and loans, I would not have been able to achieve my lifelong dream of studying in Tokyo without the help of resources like this one,” Donlon-Moyer says of the International Horizons Scholarship. 

The program is specifically for Honors College students, awarding recipients with $2,000 for a semester or yearlong global education experience. 

The opportunities and challenges of studying abroad in Tokyo are solidifying Donlon-Moyer’s interests and benefitting her career marketability.  “Experiencing the challenges of communication in everyday life has been an eye-opening experience,” explains Donlon-Moyer.  “I have both self-studied and taken classes in Japanese language for a number of years, and it’s a shocker to see how much room for improvement I have,” continues Donlon-Moyer, whose career goal is to manage relations between companies that have branches in the U.S. and Japan. City scape image in Japan

Double minoring in Computer Game Design and Japanese Studies, Donlon-Moyer envisions herself working as a social media manager or game designer for companies like Nintendo or ATLUS.   

The Honors College helps connect students like Donlon-Moyer with resources like IHS.  “I’m grateful to the Honors College for helping me get here,” reflects Donlon-Moyer, who is growing alongside students from around the world who share her passions. 

Original reporting by Jimmy O'Hara. Photographs provided by Dylan Donlon-Moyer.